Armadillo & Co Rug

Armadillo & Co Nook Range, Sahara Mat, Natural


This luxurious and unique double-layered mat is richly soft underfoot with a thick knitted texture, perfect for polished wood or tiled entrance halls. Natural coloured tassels frame the ends.

Multiple sizes are available.

Armadillo rugs are the work of artisans whose intricate weaving traditions are passed down through generations. The preservation of these age old skills and the income they bring are vital. More than ten pairs of hands are required to create and finish each rug. Every purchase enhances the lives of our weavers and their communities, giving them a means to improve living standards and enjoy a discretionary income.

Handcrafted to give you many beautiful years of use.

In store collection only item: Please note due to the size, weight or fragility of this product we do not offer standard freight options. If you would like to enquire about alternative shipping options please call our store 08 8363 7916 or email for more information.

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